Some Major Conference
Dissemination requires more than publication. Presentation to those who can multiply the ideas is also critical. Turning faith into action requires being part of networks that implement the ideas developed. Some seek to do so in purely academic circles. A commitment to faith integration has lead me to primarily seek peer review from peers who are activists. At the same time, Spirit of Christ was intensively reviewed by academic theologians, Kiwinomics by economists.
- (1989). Laussanne Congress on World Evangelization,
Manila. Two Sessions on Ministering to the Urban Poor.
(1993). VisionNZ Congress plenary on Reaching the
(1995). Global Congress On World Evangelization, Seoul
, Korea. Plenary Session Reaching the Global Cities. Leader of
the AD2000 Cities Network.
(1996). Mission Korea 96, a gathering of eight student
movements, plenary on The Cry of the Urban Poor and seminars.
(1996). AD2000 Urban Poor Network, Hong Kong.
Leadership team, several seminars, plenary
(1997).Vision NZ Congress plenary on Transformation
of the Nation.
Numerous City Leadership Consultations in
nations and cities.
(1997). Korean Students for Christ plenary and seminar
(1998). Korean Students for Christ plenary address, The Poor Wise Man and seminars
(1998). Asbury Seminary, Kingdom Conference, keynote
speaker, The Cosmic Christ in Cities From Hell
- Forums:
- The Incarnate Christ in the Underside of Anti-Christian Megalopolises
- The Poor You Will Have With You Always - Did Jesus Really Mean
- The
Poor Wise Man and YTREVOP the Demon
- Releasing
Holiness: Fires of Reconciliation, Restitution and Citywide Revival
- Discipling the Poor: The Challenge of Integrating Social
Responsibility, Evangelism and Discipleship
- The City of God is a Multiethnic Party - Starting Now!
- Cosmic Christ - Transformer of the Soul of a Nation
(1996, 1997, 1998). Australian AD2000 National Leadership Consultations as plenary speaker
(1999). Vision for Auckland Hui, organiser, keynote address on Six Battlefronts in Auckland
- (2000). Transformational
Conversations: Developing Indigenous Theologies hui, Auckland, facilitator.
(2001). Biola Missions Conference
- Reaching the Poor of Asia's Mega-Cities,
- The Judgement of God on a Post modern City.
(2008). RENAS Brazil, keynote, Jesus-style
Seminary in the Slums.
(2009). Sao Paulo, Brazil. Igreja
Relevamente e Incarnacional
(2009). Revitalization Consultation, Asbury Seminary, The Spirit of Christ and the Postmodern City. KY:
Asbury Seminary, Oct 2009.
(2013). (February). Multiplying Millions in Holistic Slum Movements: Apostolic and Diaconal Perspectives. Presentation given at the second gathering of the International Society of Urban Missions. Bangkok, Thailand.
(2013). Theology and Practice of Land Rights. Conference plenary address and workshop presented at the Call2Compassion and Justice conference. Mumbai, India.
(2013). Economic Discipleship: Vulnerability to Liberate the Vulnerable. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission. Norwalk, Englan.
(2014). CMESP. O Reino de Deus e Economia Solidaria. Plenary at the Conferência Missionária do Estado de São Paulo (CMESP), Rio de Janiero, Brazil
- (2014). MoveIn, Toronto. Plenaries: The Poor Wise Man.